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Business Services


Have you ever gone to a meeting and nothing changed after the meeting was done?

Do you wonder why you or other participants were invited to a meeting?

Have you ever thought that a meeting was a waste of time?  Our facilitation service may be the answer.

Organizational Change Management

Implementing change can be difficult, costly and stressful on business operation. However when change is implemented correctly and quickly it can provide a distinct competitive advantage.

Process Improvement Identification Workshop

Improving business typically involves, reducing delivery cost, improving quality, increasing customer satisfaction, increasing sales and eliminating non-value added activities. The question is how? A frequent error made by businesses is reliance on managers to determine the solution. Although this may work in some instances often it does not yield the anticipated results.

Presentation Preparation

Our Presentation Preparation service refines drafts presentation provided by your staff and allows them to focus on their primary responsibilities. Often people that perform brilliantly in their areas of specialization are not that great at creating presentations. Allow us to refine draft presentations to maximize their impact. 

Creative Problem Solving Workshop

Similar to our Process improvement identification workshop, our Creative Problem Solving Workshop focuses your organizations resources on resolving a particular problem using creative techniques.  Typically completed within 2 days including 4 hours of preparation and one, 4 hour workshop. Our techniques engages a cross section of the organization in a facilitated manner and pushes creative boundaries to produce solutions.   

Team Building

Our Team Building service improves teamwork by using real life situations and scenarios to demonstrate how teamwork can improve work life experience while increasing productivity.  Strong focus on effective listening and communication.

Leadership coaching to improve productivity

Our Leadership coaching service improves organizational productivity and teamwork by instructing leaders on human performance management, effective listening, relationship management and effective communication techniques.

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